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Chipsy King

Elettrodomestico per produrre patatine
Year of launch 1999
Inventor Alfred Gooding
How the project came about
The idea came from Alfred Gooding, a British inventor who wanted to reproduce at home the classic bar French fries.
He did it by creating a compact machine, easily mountable in a common domestic kitchen that merged in a single appliance a cutter and a fryer.
The usage was very straightforward: you just needed to put a whole non-peeled potato in the tank and the electronic mechanism would push hot and crispy fries.

Our input
Once we received the project, we analysed the market and participated in the investment.
In particulare, we were in charge of marketing and communication for the launch of the product, which was a complete success, going well beyond our best case scenario.
In 2003 we left the project.
Nowadays, Chipsy King is a niche product because of its complex technical functioning, but it is still much appreciated by cuisine lovers.

Why was it successful? Chipsy King was the first appliance able to make fries exactly like those served in all bars and pubs in Britain, but also with the advantage of making them homemade, fast and getting a tastier food.